Friday, March 13, 2009

cns module :)

salam.....lamenye x tlis kat blog ni... really bz like a bee lately...hehehe... dealing wif bunch of info n notes of cns modul.. luv cns :) ... btol2 ni taw, really felt amazed n thankful to Allah.. His creations words can interprete it.. it juz tooooo great... know wat, knowing how ur brain handling wif lots n lots of info from our own body, knowing da reflexes was juz really great n fantastic...Ya Allah, betape besarnye nikmat & agungnye ciptaan & kurniaanMu... jadikanlah hamba Mu ini istiqamah kepadaMu.... the most part dat i really luv is learning bout cerebrum... wif various parts which we called Broadman's Area, handling wif wide arrays of functions..yg ni lah my mama pnah ckp since i was small dlu, bkan la kecik sgt kowt, tp mase skola.. mama slalu kate taw x dkat brain kte ade part2 yg mengawal berbagai2 function..die slalu dgr kat ceramah2 motivasi... my mun nye fav motivator, dato' hj fadzilah kamsah n hm Tuah<----also my fav :b.. so, she always heard bout these things in their talks.. hurm.. so, since then i always curious 2 know how da brain function, how they cope wif responses, how they response n how the nerve tracts traveled in their own sequences.. make me feel xcited knowing all bout dis...hehehe.. lately, i juz luvvvv anatomy very much!!.. not like during 1st sem, i can get really stressed thinking bout anatomy, especially in musculoskeletal was also a great oppoturnity 2 know more bout how da nerves travels, which part dat they innervate.. eventhough quit hard 2 remember each one of it...huhu.. gross pown best... dissect da bull's eye..a new experience.. ok gak ar, tp rasenye dissect white mice kat matrix dlu lg best.. but da sad thing is bout biochem sgs.. lpas ni xde dah,sbb in reproductive module xde biochem...sdey larr, x dpt jmpe dr justin lg... ske sgt da way he tought us... kat modul ni gak bru die exposed his wife, who is the lecturer of physio...also tought me in physio sgs.. physio+biochem...sgt complementary...sweet... :) ... pt pown ok jer...hehehehehehehe... tp mggu berakhir dgn agk tragis apbila diriku terpaksa present BEL/english next wik...huhu... mayb ade hikmahnye... xpe2... Allah xkan bebankan seseorg hambaNya dgn sesuatu yg x mmpu die, weekend ni , berusaha sepenoh ati nk wat english...x sure lg, ermmm.... nk wat liposuction @ asperger syndrome @ burn surgery?? hurmmm...


keriey said...

wat asperger syndrome....
kery sokong...huhu...
nana....xtaw nk wat cam ne neh.....
xreti sussah jer tjuk ni..huhu....
tlg carikan video sal multiple personality disorder le x???
kt cni kna block..huhu

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